• iconMafiati Cross Roads, B345, Mbeya Tanzania
  • iconinfo@cuom.ac.tz

Tel: +255 252 504 240



Research, Consultancy and Publications

The basic intention of any institution of higher learning, such as the University, is to eventually equip their students with the skills and knowledge that will enable them to make significant contributions to society in different fields of public health, education, agriculture, tourism, security, as well as socio-economic and technological development, to mention a few. This is usually realized through three key functions, namely, teaching (education and training), research and outreach services.


Research is a systematic process of critical enquiry (also, referred to as studious enquiry and examination) leading to a valid proposition and conclusion that are common to others. It also refers to a search for knowledge, as well as for pertinent information on a specific topic or theme; a movement from known to unknown. The characteristic of a research includes the following:

  • It is based on the works of others, but not a copy of their works;
  • It cannot be replicated;
  • It is generalizable to other settings;
  • It is based on some logical rationale and tied to a theory;
  • It is doable;
  • It generates new questions, or is cyclical in nature;
  • It is incremental;
  • It is an apolitical activity intended for the betterment of society;
  • It expands knowledge and competencies of the subject and career horizons.

Some scholars contend that, today, higher institutions, led by universities, continue to play a central role in promoting sustainable development to society. They play an important role in teaching, learning and leading the society towards sustainable development, including generating and transmitting new knowledge across time and space. This is what the Catholic University of Mbeya is striving to do.

The University intends to establish a vibrant research tradition whose impact will be far-reaching with deep-sinking roots. Efforts have been started to create partnerships with other recognized institutions of higher learning and organizations so as to share best practices and carry out joint ventures in academia, meaning the environment or community concerned with the pursuit of research, education and scholarship.


The purpose of establishing consultancy services by a higher learning institution is basically to provide advice, guidance, and variegated support to society. It draws upon and applies existing knowledge and expertise, with clear and well-defined deliverables. In such a way, the institution makes its existence and presence felt by the immediate and distant communities. In that spirit, the Catholic University of Mbeya has the pleasure to extend an invitation to all who wish to enjoy our charitable services.


The Catholic University of Mbeya has two journals, namely, the Journal of Education and Development (JED) under the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the Journal of Business and Financial Management (JBFM) under the Faculty of Business and Administration. They are published bi-annually.

The Editorial Team of the Journal of Education and Development is as follows:
Chief Editor:Prof. Joshua S. Madumulla - Catholic University of Mbeya
Associate Editor:Prof. Eulalia I. Temba - Catholic University of Mbeya
Managing Editor:Dr Gerephace Mwangosi - Catholic University of Mbeya.
Editorial Committee
Dr Peter Elisha MwamwajaCatholic University of Mbeya, Tanzania
Dr Azimio SoteCatholic University of Mbeya, Tanzania
Mr Jacob Stephan MpalanziCatholic University of Mbeya, Tanzania
Editorial Board
Dr Anneth KombaUniversity of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Dr Bakari R. BakariState University of Zanzibar, Tanzania
Dr Frank E. JuliusOpen University of Tanzania
Dr Henry Mng’ong’oJordan University College, Tanzania
Dr Isaya LupogoMzumbe University, Tanzania
Dr Orestes KapingaMkwawa University College of Education, Tanzania
Dr Raymund NdombaSt. Augustine University of Tanzania
Dr Stephen KilasiRuaha Catholic University, Tanzania
Dr Frank TheobaldMzumbe University, Tanzania
Dr Rose SekileCatholic University of Mbeya, Tanzania
Dr Wallace Kapele MlagaUniversity of Rwanda, Rwanda
Advisory Board
Prof. Albino J. TengeUniversity of Dodoma, Tanzania
Prof. Anne RyenAgder University College, Norway
Prof. Mosol KandagorUniversity of Moi, Kenya
Prof. Percy M. D. PhathswaneUniversity of Botswana
Prof. Hamidu MajambaUniversity of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Prof. Joseph MbeleSt Olaf College, USA
Prof. Kalafunja OsakiTanzania Episcopal Conference
Prof. Kyallo W. WamitilaUniversity of Nairobi, Kenya
Prof. Romuald HauleCatholic University of Mbeya, Tanzania
Prof. William AnangisyeUniversity of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Dr Caesar JjingoUniversity of Makerere, Uganda
The editorial team for the Journal of Business and Financial Management is:
Chief Editor:Prof. Joshua S. Madumulla - Catholic University of Mbeya
Associate Editor:Prof. Eulalia I. Temba - Catholic University of Mbeya
Managing Editor:Dr Balozi Morwa - Catholic University of Mbeya
Editorial Committee
Mr. Donald MwambelekoCatholic University of Mbeya, Tanzania
Mr. Godlove KalingaCatholic University of Mbeya, Tanzania
Ms. Haika YesayaCatholic University of Mbeya, Tanzania
Editorial Board
Dr. Baltazari SafariDar es Salaam University College of Education
Dr. Asheri MwidegeMbeya University of Science and Technology
Dr. Bakari R. BakariState University of Zanzibar
Dr. Innocent PantaleoUniversity of Dar es Salaam
Dr. Johnson MwakasendoAgricultural Reserch Institute, Uyole
Dr. Christian MalamshaMoshi Cooperative University
Dr. Mutahyoba BaisiCatholic University of Mbeya
Dr. Neema KumburuMoshi Cooperative University
Dr. Shaaban J. NgoleInstitute of Finance Management
Dr. Tryphon MbawalaMzumbe University
Advisory Board
Prof. Amini KwekaSokoine University of Agriculture
Prof. Anderson WineasterUniversity of Dodoma
Prof. Epithania ManambaInstitute of Accountancy Arusha
Prof. Ernest G. KitindiCatholic University of Mbeya
Prof. Henry ChaluUniversity of Dar es Salaam
Prof. Jehovaness AikaeliUniversity of Dar es Salaam
Prof. Longinus RutasitaraUniversity of Dar es Salaam
Prof. Omary MburaUniversity of Dar es Salaam
Prof. Percy PhatshwaneUniversity of Gaborone Botswana
Prof. Razack LokinaUniversity of Dodoma
Prof. Romuald HauleCatholic University of Mbeya, Tanzania

The Catholic University of Mbeya has consistently been urging the academic staff to be proactive in research projects, as well as in writing scholarly papers. In order to enable the staff to do the same, the management has been providing financial support in tandem with organizing workshops on how to write research proposals, research reports, and scholarly publishable papers.